Wednesday, February 9, 2011

T-shirt Stencils

spotted a technique yesterday over at Uni Watch (here is the actual post), where you basically use freezer paper, screen print paint, and basic tools to make your own t-shirt stencils. have a look at the step-by-step instructions!

First off, it's Brian Pettit's Barrell Man:

looks amazing! here's how he did it, pulled from Celtic Mommy:

also got some tips from a page i should really get to more, Instructables

now i'm deciding on what logo to stencil!

i'm thinking something having to do with this:

what do you think? either way, should be a cool project! and always, thank you to Uni Watch and it's awesome readers/contributors for the ideas and the "how to"! stay tuned for updates...


chamuco said...

This is really cool, thanks for sharing! This is Efra Sanchez a fellow Clinker, really like your blog keep it up!

houndogg (RyCo) said...

thanks efra! keep up the great "clink" work!!!

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Excellent tips about tshrits stencils..I got a idea from this.Thanks for sharing..

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Ramesh said...

I want to make my tshirts with a stencil.U gave me a excellent blog and videos..Thanks for the good work..
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